Free Back to School Checklist

Heading back to school, preschool or daycare can come with some big feelings (let's be honest for our kids AND us)! This checklist isn't about what lunchbox to get your child, but how to provide the emotional support so that when you aren't there, you know you've equipped them with strategies to handle the transition back! 

By signing up for this checklist, you are subscribing to mailing list and you can unsubscribe at any time. 

Free Email Self-Care Challenge

One of the foundational changes we can make with our children, is to increase our self-care. I know this isn't the first time you are hearing this, and it's easy to say and harder to do. In this five day FREE self-care email challenge, you'll get a video and PDF each day in your email inbox to support you in taking small steps to increase your self-care. 

This is more than just a reminder, but instead a way to get support and reframes to help you actually be able to sustain your self-care! 

By signing up for this tantrum script, you are subscribing to mailing list

Free Tantrum Script and Template

After working with hundreds of parents, supporting them with tantrums, I realized that there were a few things that were helpful:

  1. Having a script helped them STAY CALM during the tantrum so they stayed connected with their child during the strong feelings. 
  2. When parents knew what they wanted to say, they felt confident! Knowing what to say and do during a child's dysregulation is a win! 
  3. Parent's started to reframe success from "My child not ever having a tantrum" to "knowing what I want to say and do when my child has a tantrum."

The tantrum script will provide you not only with language to help during a tantrum, but an emotion coaching process where you hold boundaries, consider your own regulation and know how to repair and reconnect and walk alongside your child as they do the same. 

By signing up for this tantrum script, you are subscribing to mailing list

Free "Good Parent" Workbook

Something that continually comes up for parents (particularly moms) is this idea of 'Enoughness.' We see other moms and presume that they are the good mom because of some unclear definition we have of what it is to be a 'good parent.' In this comprehensive workbook, I will challenge you to get clear about what it really means to you to be a good mom. 


While I can't guarantee everyone will draw the same conclusion, I have heard from many parents who have completed this workbook that it helped them gentle the expectations of themselves, and in fact see that they were more than a good parent. 


"Thank you for reminding me to gentle with myself. I love the idea that modelling gentleness for myself is likely the best way for my daughter to learn how to be gentle with herself. "

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